Centrala Film focuses on producing documentary and fiction films by young filmmakers. The team consists of people with rich and diverse work experience: Jacek Naglowski, Agnieszka Janowska, Pawel Kosun – the founders, owners and producers.
Up until this point, Centrala has produced six fictions and twelve documentaries that have been shown at dozens of international festivals such as Cannes, Vision du Reel, Cinema du Reel, Planete +Doc, Hot Docs, Cracow Film Festival, Warsaw Film Festival and others. Films Centrala Film produced have received 44 awards in many categories including 10 Grand Prix and 6 Best Picture awards. Studio's film 'Gugara' was purchased by Centre Pompidou in Paris and included in their collection. Currently, Centrala has four films at the post-production level and five in development.